Love Language : Improvement

Rupal Teotia 🌻
Reaching Hearts
Published in
3 min readMay 29, 2024
Photo by Carly Rae Hobbins on Unsplash

Raman’s unbreakable bond with his everyday lifestyle makes him flaunt his addictive habits with adamant diligence and a humble application. Not to bother anyone, he doesn’t like to be told what’s wrong or right.

One fine day, the chatter of uninvited rainfall knocked at his window. And his self boasted contentment took an interesting turn. In that brief moment, Raman saw something strangely beautiful. It was an arc of colors interwoven by the sunlight passing through crystal like raindrops. Yes, she exactly looked like a rainbow – a pretty and unwavering attempt of allure. Her name ‘Ruhi’.

His eyes flinched, he never knew something so distinctively beautiful. He couldn’t help but to keep looking at her. Soon, his fixed gaze turned into an unfulfilled desire, when Ruhi got back to her house.

Now, Raman is more intrigued to know about her and her mystical powers that pulled him towards her.

Raman wasn’t simply infatuated by Ruhi’s mesmerising beauty, he is obsessed to have her in his life. This very golden moment in his life arrived, when Raman proposed to Ruhi at the Waikato beach and his staunch determination landed him to bind the knot of a forever bond.

Now the question is, will Raman give-up on addictions for his partner?

Disclaimer: addictions aren’t only limited to drinking & smoking. addictions could be anything that has control over your senses. It could be binge watching tv shows, eating excessive fast food, mindlessly scrolling the social media, meeting friends daily to kill time, taking long hours in the bathroom, or unhealthy sleeping patterns. Etc.

Let’s see, what happens next. . .

The uncertainty of clouds cleared out, and a light bulb smiled over Raman’s horizontal eyebrows. Ruhi finally got engaged to Raman. Now, he can be happily engrossed in triumphing his victory. He would keep looking at Ruhi, day in and out, adoring her, keeping her all pretty and tidy, comfortable and cared.

Rest of the time, he is consummating with his old patterns & addictions. Yes, He couldn’t balance to adjust alongside the new lifestyle of Ruhi. He is navigating through his own life journey by living the same old patterns everyday.

Now, It is a pickle trickle situation for Ruhi. She feels sad and angry, at the same time. She isn’t vibrant as she was before. This makes Raman more annoyed with her and headstrong to continue his selfish ways. He buys extra time by himself than ever before.

The causes and effects of not Improving yourself in a relationship:

- being adamant is a syndrome which may result in a difficult break-up. if you deny learning to adjust alongside the needs of your partner, you must be prepared to face the exit situation.

-Love isn’t about all bouquets and candlelight dinners. It’s about living life with a more balanced attitude. If you don’t respect decision-making of your partner, and is always imposing things on them, your chemistry will be numbed.

-when you’re in love with someone be only in love. Do not complicate your relationship with unrealistic desires and childlike stubbornness.

-Living your partnership with no limitations and no boundaries will soon see no limits for shame or disrespect. It isn’t about neglecting your space. It’s about reading theirs too and bridging the gaps between those spaces.




Rupal Teotia 🌻
Reaching Hearts

I craft some light hearted stories. I am seeking genuine readers/writers to grow with.