Love Makes Us One

Love can hold us together.

Kai Magnus
Reaching Hearts
2 min readMay 16, 2024


Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.

- Maya Angelou

This quote is a beautiful expression of the power of love to overcome the obstacles and bring hope.

Today’s world is filled with discord, hatred, and strife, and the only ray of hope that can unite us is Love.

But how can love bring us together?

Well, in my opinion, love is more like glue. Just as glue is used to hold things together, love can also hold us together; it holds families together, it holds relationships together.

We become one in spirit,

We become one in purpose,

We become one in our hearts,

It’s the love which makes us one.

In a world where we are divided by race, politics, status, religion, or whatever, it’s love which reminds us that we share humanity. It reminds us that we are all one. And that we all deserve love, respect, and compassion. So, let’s embrace love in all its forms whether it is romantic love, familiar love, or self love.

Love - uniting us all in its positive delight.

Let’s spread this beautiful message far and wide. For when we love, we become one, and when we become one, we become unstoppable.

We become one, in body and soul,
Together forever, making love whole.

Hi guys!

Hope you like my message and take it in positive light. We will meet next time with a new message. Make sure you follow me and our publication and appreciate me in every possible way.


