My Own Little Paradise

A poem

Dr. Shamaima Irfan
Reaching Hearts


Photo by Johny Goerend on Unsplash

My own little paradise, a place of serenity
Where my heart finds solace, in its truest form of beauty
A haven from the chaos, a sanctuary of calm
A place to escape, from the world’s constant harm

In this paradise of mine, the sun shines bright
With golden rays that kiss my skin with delight
The sky is a canvas, painted with hues of blue
And the clouds dance, in a mesmerizing hue

The gentle breeze whispers, through the trees
Carrying the sweet scent, of blooming flowers and leaves
The birds sing their melodies, in perfect harmony
Creating a symphony, that brings me to peace and harmony

In my paradise, there’s a river that flows
With crystal clear water, that glitters and glows
The sound of its gentle flow, is like a lullaby
That soothes my soul, and makes me sigh

As I walk through the meadows, I am greeted by butterflies
With their colorful wings, they paint the skies
The grass beneath my feet, is like a soft green carpet
And the fragrance of nature, is like a soothing ointment



Dr. Shamaima Irfan
Reaching Hearts

RPh || Poetry writer || Author of Articles and Stories || Wordsmith extraordinaire.