One Day at a Time. One Fight at a Time.

Let’s talk about a big enemy. Depression. Let’s try to understand it.

The mechanic
Reaching Hearts
3 min readMar 24, 2024


Woman in water reaching for a helping hand.
Photo by Isi Parente on Unsplash

First of all, I want to apologise. Mainly because I was away for too long.

And Secondly, for a much more serious reason. So, I have prepared a blog post I think you would like more. (At least, I liked it more)

But then, there are those days. Days you are really bad. Overwhelmed with bad thoughts. Well, that was one of those days. And I couldn’t help myself, I SHOULD share it with you.

Depression, guys. This is the word to describe it. Yeah, 10 simple letters, but in an order that means something probably bad. (At least for who has it!) And depression and me, go way back. I know her, I m fighting her and I am surviving with her for more years I can remember.

That emotion to find the worst thing even in the most happy moments? Yeah, probably some of you are experiencing it or you did in the past! So, ballads on the radio, and here we go.

You know, I probably told you already that the worst fights are with yourself. THE BIGGEST fights are with your own mind. And those are the fights you most probably lose.

Depression is like a really angry sea, in which you are thrown and must swim. YOU MUST swim. You have no other options. But, hey, the sea is something new for you. You don’t know how to swim. The waves are really big for you. You try to keep your head out of the water. Try, asshole. Don’t wait for anyone to throw a life jacket. You are alone there. Nobody will throw it. You MUST swim and survive even if it’s really difficult. FIND a solution. Or let yourself sink.

But, wait, do you have this option? NO, YOU DON’T. It’s not an option at all, right? Especially when you have people who care about you. People who LOVE you.

Let’s say, like your kid, who MUST see you tough, you should show that nothing can beat you. Your kid needs that, don’t forget it, you are your kid’s hero. You don’t want to let it know how shitty things are, at least not until it will be an adult, right? And until then, you might ask. Nothing, my fellow friend.

You may feel a bit better when you seek help. But don’t forget. NOBODY can help you, but yourself. There are no such pills yet, not a piece of magic advice you could count on. It’s ONLY YOU. And maybe those who love you.

TALK to them, and try to keep them close. Tell them about your difficulties. They will probably understand. And they will try to help you, or at least don’t stress you so much!

If I can give you a tip is that. HUG your child, your husband, or your wife. They are those who are with you and know how to (at least) reassure you a bit.

You know, MOST of the time, there is this hug, this “I’m here” is the only thing you NEED. The only thing that will make you feel a bit better. To feel LOVED. To feel that someone CARES about you, no matter what. It’s the only real weapon I found in all those years I’m fighting it.

“-This kind of mark cannot be seen. It lives in your very skin.

-And what is it?

-Love, Harry. Love”

Albus Dumbledore.

Whatever the problem is, love is the solution. Don’t forget it. Try your best to keep that alive.

As always, you can agree, disagree, comment, ask, share your thoughts, subscribe, talk. I repeat it, because the most important thing is that. TALKING. Sharing your weights with us. And maybe it could be a bit easier to hold. Who knows?



The mechanic
Reaching Hearts

Here to talk about what bothers me. Quite a lot. Basically, here to find hope and courage to keep fighting. Just an ordinary guy. Could be you. Hope you ll join