One step at a time

A Poem

Suzanne Henderson
Reaching Hearts


Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash

Some days the mountain was too tall and she couldn’t rise up. Some days she sat at its foot and felt the distress. She was overwhelmed by too much, disorientated and stressed, her head full of what she needed to do and could not. And some days she would try until her soul bled dry and she felt weary of being human and tired of life.

But she discovered the secret of letting fear go. And it was found as she sat in the quiet and let herself breathe. The breath it went in and the breath it went out and the breeze swept away the stress and the tears. And she learned something there as she sat in the still. The best way to do things is one at a time.

Photo by Eli DeFaria on Unsplash

And she stood up once more, feeling calm and so strong and she started to climb that mountain so tall. And this time she did it, she didn’t fall down! But it was one step at a time and one breath, one breath at a time.

And she took in the view and realised with a smile she was doing with joy what had felt such a chore, all by taking it one step at a time.

Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash



Suzanne Henderson
Reaching Hearts

Wellbeing, poetry, life, spirituality and the writers life is what sparks my writing muse.