Opportunities to Make Friends in Life and Writing

The interesting phenomenon of making friends where you had none

Reaching Hearts


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It happens when you start a new job, move to a new location, or start writing online — you make new friends.

You meet people who become acquaintances. You know them in passing when you learn the checker’s name at the grocery store. You see them regularly, but they are not in the category of friends.

I knew four people when I moved to the city I now live in. Now, I know many times that. When I remarried and moved, I made new friends with the neighbors. They aren’t just acquaintances; they are friends.

We help one another, look out for each other, and learn from each other; if we call, they will come.

Making friends is an interesting process. First, you speak to someone, or they speak to you. Then, it happens again, and you ask questions of each other. Or, you work together on a project, and as time passes, you get to know each other better.

The process can end there or continue into friendship and then closest friends. We have levels of friendship.

Because I write on Medium, forming friendships happens differently.
I see an article I like and check into the author. If what I see and read clicks with me…



Reaching Hearts

I'm a writer and expert on winning my battle to live a life of encouragement, and self improvement. I love God, nature and I'm an expert on smiles and joy.