
Rely on ‘Amor Fati’ to Live a Life of Love and Acceptance

It is what it is — a powerful look at what is happening right now.

Mike Sansone
Reaching Hearts
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2024


Delicate pink flowers of blooming tree.
Photo by Karolina Kaboompics via pexels


It is what it is.”

A friend of mine is an executive chef who travels the country. He rescues kitchens when they need help with both process and production. His favorite saying is: “It is what it is.

On the surface, this may seem like a cop-out. I think it’s brilliant!

We have no control over what other people do, what nature brings at us, or what transpires that could interrupt our flow and rhythm.

All we control is our behavior and our thinking.

“Amor Fati,” which translates loosely to “love of one’s fate.”

It is what it is” can be a phrase that allows us to overcome any outside influence with a calmer spirit and better response. Acceptance like this can be seen in great minds in history.

From Abraham Lincoln to Frederick Nietzsche to Robert Greene. Well before them, philosophers such as Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius relied heavily on versions of “Amor Fati,” which translates loosely to “love of one’s fate.”



Mike Sansone
Reaching Hearts

Hi :-) -We all want to laugh, be listened to, and want to be loved. Editor/Owner of these pubs : Reaching Hearts, Romancing Hearts, & Leadership Hearts.