
Something About Relationship

There are some stages to it.

Julia Robertson
Reaching Hearts


Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Most people maintain relationships with their loved ones.

Love and relationships mean nothing to me because I think these types of relationships damage your mind.

I only believe in love with God, my parents, and my siblings.

But as I am reading psychology, I learn about some stages of relationships based on reality.

Though I am not interested in love, I can’t stop writing about these types of topics.

I am a psychology student and am still learning about many things, but no matter what, many people come to me for advice about something.

Many students at my college take advice from me and think of me as a mentor for them.

Also, I do motivational speeches in college to motivate the students, not about studying but about the issues we all face in our lives.

Because I think that we have always been motivated to study, work hard, and get A grades.

But where are the problems that no one hears about?

No one hears it, and no one discusses or solves it.

But I am changing the environment in my college so that their problems will be listened to and solved.

So as a result, many students come to me and discuss their issues with me.

I discuss their issues in separate places if it is a sensitive issue.


It was just a short introduction to my mind and aims.

Come to the original topic.

I was talking about the stages of a relationship.

If you are in a relationship, you face different stages.

1. Attraction

Every couple experiences this phase.

In this stage, you only focus on the good things and similarities between each other.

You spend a lot of time together and imagine that you are made for each other.

You avoid fights, and it seems that fights will never happen.

2. Reality

You start finding flaws in your partner.

It doesn’t mean that you don’t love your partner, but things are not as beautiful as they were in the beginning.

You start fighting and doubting if you’re really in love.

The spark in the relationship seems declining.

3. Anger

You start getting angry because of little things.

You know that fights can ruin your relationship, but at the end of the day, you fight anyway.

And in this higher stage of a relationship, you think of stupidity like breaking up and leaving each other by blaming each other for no reason.

4. Acceptance

You know that you are both different people, with different qualities and flaws, but you still accept each other.

You realize that things can’t be run in a fantasy world for a lifetime.

There comes a time when you have to act with maturity.

5. Commitment

With time, you get to know each other too much.

You know everything about each other and this sets up a thought in your heart that you don’t need anyone in your life as your partner except that person.

You fall in love with that person forever.


This is the most honest and genuine thing in any relationship.

Now tell me at which stage you are...


