
To All Those Who Couldn’t Love Me


Life Stories
Reaching Hearts


Photo by Azrul Aziz on Unsplash

To all those who could not love me and ran away from me, thank you! Thanks to you, I learned to love myself. Today, I no longer suffer from unlove.

To all those who rejected me and told me I wasn’t important or good enough, thank you! Thanks to you, I learned to be important and enough for myself. Today, I no longer suffer from rejection.

To all those who lied to me and hid, thank you! Thanks to you, I learned to be honest with myself. Today I no longer suffer from lies.

To all those who spoke ill of me, thank you! Thanks to you, I learned to speak to myself flawlessly. Today I no longer suffer from labeling.

To all those who could not accept the unfair behavior towards me, thank you! Thanks to you, I learned to be kind to myself. Today I no longer suffer from injustice.

To all those who humiliated and offended me, thank you! Thanks to you, I treated myself with respect. Today I no longer suffer from humiliation.

To all those who punished me, thank you! Thanks to you, I have become lenient with myself. Today I no longer suffer from inadequacy.

To you, the friend who turned your back on me when I didn’t please you or when I needed you, to you, the friend who didn’t even have room for me in the car, to you, the one who is too busy to give me you answer the phone during the day, you, the one who couldn’t accept that you didn’t want to give me a review, you, the one who put me on your calendar so you wouldn’t forget that you have to see me, you, to the one who forgot that we had a date, to you, to the one who didn’t want a relationship with me… thank you! Thanks to you, today I feel like I live inside me.

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

I apologize to all of you who could not love me, I am sorry for the parts of me that caused you to treat me with a lack of affection, and thank you for showing me where there is room for healing! Thanks to you, today I live in love and fly towards perfection. And I declare that I love you because you are parts of me, all of you.

I forgave you.

And those who treated me with contempt or indifference, and those who treated me with displeasure, and those who humiliated me, and those who assaulted me, and those who betrayed and those of you who were too busy to prioritize me. I don’t blame anyone anymore. What happened in childhood I healed, what happened in adulthood I accepted and took responsibility for this life.

I forgave myself.

I asked for forgiveness for myself, for all the moments when I didn’t know how to love myself, for all the moments when I rejected myself and didn’t value myself when I was too little important to me. I apologized to myself for all the situations in which I lied and hid from myself, in which I could not accept my behavior and was ashamed.

Today I hug myself and declare my love for myself, I thank myself for bringing me to this point and I promise to always be faithful to myself!

To all those who couldn’t love me, today I thank you because you taught me what self-love means!



Life Stories
Reaching Hearts

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