To The Little Ones Left Behind

My Baby, You’ll Always Be

Writes By Tiffany
Reaching Hearts
Jun 30, 2024


Photo by Mon Petit Chou Photography on Unsplash

I know you’re out there

Glistening in the trees

Blowing in the salty winds

Following the silent breeze.

You’re gone but never far from us

Wakened by the tears at night

We hide our pain so no one sees

We’ll cry for you at dawns first light

We held you close just for a moment

But God called out, he needed you too

To be our angel from up above

He only sends the ones so true

Our baby

Our love

We miss you so

We didn’t get the chance to watch you grow

We’ll hold you in our hearts

Forever more

Til God calls us home

Our hearts will be sore

Thank you for reading and feel free to clap and respond as you desire 💟



Writes By Tiffany
Reaching Hearts

I love writing short stories, poetry, even a little dab in Erotica. I write what's in my heart, experiences, loss, lessons. Writing is a deep thinker's escape.