Submission Guidelines

Want to Write About Love?

Reaching Hearts Submission Guidelines

Mike Sansone
Reaching Hearts
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2024


Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

Love is a multi-faceted emotion that all of us want to have showered on us.

If you agree and have stuff to say, say it. Consider saying it with a new publication. Become a writer for Reaching Hearts.

My goal for this publication is for our writers and readers to be hungry. Hungry to be Reaching Hearts.

Application Process

  1. Follow Reaching Hearts Publication.
  2. Also, follow Mike Sansone @michaelsansone.
  3. Comment on this post, including your Medium name. As an example, my Medium name is Mike Sansone or @michaelsansone. If you prefer, you can email me at mike @
  4. Anyone can write for us if you agree with our Submission Guidelines.
  5. The length of the story is up to the author. I’ve found that 3–7 minutes is good, but if it takes longer to deliver your message, take longer. So maybe between 300–1,000 words?
  6. Submit drafts. So, write your article and “add to publication” before you publish (using the three dots in the upper right corner).
  7. Use Reaching Hearts as one of your five tags.



Mike Sansone
Reaching Hearts

Hi :-) - At our core, we all want to laugh, be listened to, and want to be loved. Managing Editor/Owner of Reaching Hearts & also Leading With Love publications