What Do You Like to Watch That Isn’t On Screen?

This is the eleventh question on this exciting 15-day adventure.

Nivia Nuria
Reaching Hearts
3 min readJun 3, 2024


Question eleven: What do you like to watch that isn’t on screen?


That is what I would really love to watch on screen.

Movies give value to almost everything, and unfortunately, they mostly give value to the wrong things.

The wrong morals, the wrong lifestyle, the wrong mindset, the wrong understanding of life…

Sometimes I look at the screen and I just want to see reality, I want them to tell people life is not fun and games.

That people actually die when you shoot them; you don’t just go around on a killing spree, shooting guns and throwing cars or objects around. When people die, they die. They are not coming back. It is that serious.

There is no Prince Charming who just says and does all the right things. That guy you met at the cafeteria, or the bookstore that made your heart skip a beat when your hands touched, and then the both of you concluded it was love. No honey that is lust. You are just infatuated.

Like Mike Sansone would say, “Love is a decision”.

There is no perfect human with just the right physical, financial, and emotional qualities. Everyone is flawed!!!

We are all a work in progress.

They are a lot of messed up notions the media planted in the brains of young minds.

I stopped watching movies a long time ago when I realize they teach little or nothing.

They give you great pleasure, move you emotionally, and, to some, make them lose touch with reality.

For some, it is therapy. A harmless drug that soon turns to addiction.

But after that, what next? You go back to that same reality. How profitable was that time? How did it help?

Movies makes you feel, they don’t make you understand life.

If you catch me watching TV, it is either I am watching a documentary on nature, true crime stories, history or autobiographies, DIY’s, how things are made, science and technology, botched, medical mysteries, health tips, I mean anything informative.

I want when I spend my time watching the screen, and when I am done I would come out a little wiser. A little stronger to handle realities.

That is why I love books, movies can never teach you the way books do. Books plunge you into the depths of a character.

Our little neighbour at my uncle’s visited us one day, and we obviously had to switch to Cartoon Network. He told me he was pressed, so I took him to the bathroom. After urinating, I had to remind him to wash his hands.

When we got back to the living room, he watched a program, and the moral lesson was to wash your hands after using the bathroom. The second time he went to the bathroom I didn’t remind him or his brother to wash their hands.

That is what the screen should have. To be intentional about teaching, to be informative whilst being entertaining.

To keep them in touch with reality.

