When Humility becomes Imposter syndrome

You know yourself but do not love you?

Valentina Cecilia - Valentía Crónica
Reaching Hearts


Photo of a brick floor with a person standing on it, the only thing in sight are a couple of cinamon colored leather shoes.
Photo by Jessica Furtney on Unsplash

Knowing yourself but not loving yourself can be a contradictory (but common) situation, when this happens the quality of humility can shift into Imposter syndrome.

Humility is the quality of not being proud because you are aware of your bad qualities — Cambridge Dictionary

You probably know how it feels, you feel like a fraud, like you were acting a part in which you are totally not qualified.

In reality is likely you are a very capable and qualified human who is very ambitious but at the same time insecure about your achievements.

Imposter syndrome is a behavioral health phenomenon described as self-doubt of intellect, skills, or accomplishments among high-achieving individuals — National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI)

In the description of the Imposter syndrome of the NCBI, you can see that self-doubt is a key part of the definition.

When you love yourself and are aware of who you are, you can work on the characteristics of this Imposter syndrome to mitigate it or, in the best-case scenario, eliminate it.

The need to be the BEST



Valentina Cecilia - Valentía Crónica
Reaching Hearts

Hello! I'm Vale, I write about my autistic life with chronic illnesses and disability, I also reflect on life itself. https://linktr.ee/valentiacronica