Why I Admire Outcasts and Misfits.

Tiffany Meredith
Reaching Hearts
Published in
4 min readJun 4, 2024
Photo by Dids on Pexel.com

What are misfits and outcasts? They are regular people like you and me who don’t seem to fit into normal society.

The definition of a misfit is a person whose behavior or attitude sets them apart from others in an uncomfortably conspicuous way.

Yes, I consider myself a misfit or an outcast.

I grew up in a small town, and I never quite fit in when I was young, whether in middle or high school.

I remember in school each group of kids wanted me to fit exclusively into their club, but that wasn’t me. I didn’t want to only belong to one group of friends. My heart was big, and my curiosity and interests were bigger.

I wanted to talk with many different types of people from all walks of life, but they wanted me to belong to one group. When I didn’t conform, this made the kids feel uncomfortable. I was shunned from the group and surrounded by a bunch of mean kids yelling at me.

Now I look back on this period in my life with great LOVE. I’m not angry or resentful, it taught me about myself. Some people need a group and will sacrifice themselves to fit in. At the same time, others like myself don’t want to sacrifice themselves or their principles.

I belong to quite a few groups now, without sacrificing myself. These groups align with my heart, integrity, and interests — without judgment.

So why do I admire Outcasts and Misfits?

Outcasts and Misfits are strong people, with a lot of resilience for the challenges in life. They can tackle things others fear to tackle. It takes great bravery to look within and stand alone. They usually are the ones who can stand up for the underdog, while others will follow the crowd, even if that means people won’t like them.

Outcasts and Misfits don’t care what others think of them.

They aren’t aligned with the group’s thoughts, but they are aligned with their thoughts, able to speak their mind, and be unwavering in their creativity. Many times the misfits are listening to their own heart, being uniquely themselves.

When I think of Misfits and Outcasts, one person comes to mind: Elvis Presley.

When Elvis would sing, and dance he had all of society going crazy. His unique style of singing and dancing was frowned upon at the time, and it made the older generation feel extremely uncomfortable. This older generation felt his style would tear down the very fabric of society, but Elvis changed music and dance forever, by being unique.

Elvis Presley in “Jailhouse Rock” promo photo (Getty Images), Austin Butler in “Elvis” (Warner Bros)

During this time Elvis was viewed as a misfit, but think of a world without Elivs. What a boring world it would be!

He revolutionized dance and music forever. He would move his hips while singing and have the young women going crazy. The sound of his music had undertones of blues, jazz, and rock combined — which was unheard of at this time. He put a lot of heart and soul into his music, this was what the crowds were feeling — his heart. I believe Elvis aligned with his misfit energy, following his heart, and his unique style.

It took me a while on my healing journey to come to accept and embrace my misfit ways. It was through healing, meditation, and working with the heart that I now know being a misfit has been a great gift!

We are here on this planet to be uniquely ourselves. You don’t have to meditate to align with the heart, but you must look within your heart to find your purpose.

We need to offer our unique gifts to this world. Never fear being you. Share your heart and your thoughts even if it isn’t the norm. Maybe you are here to wake people up, make new trends, and create something new…. So Be Uniquely You, My Beautiful Outcast and Misfit!

If anything is worth doing do it with all your heart. ~Buddha~

With All My Heart —

If you enjoyed this article learn more about me at: www.myzenliving.com



Tiffany Meredith
Reaching Hearts

I'm an artist, a mother, a nature lover. Honest writings on my lifelong spiritual journey and how the first 5 branches of Chinese Medicine healed me.