Woven Together

A poem

Waqas Ahmad
Reaching Hearts
1 min readJun 1, 2024


Photo by Rachael Crowe on Unsplash

A wisp of her laughter, a twinkle in her eye,
A piece of her spirit, living deep inside.
She’s not here beside me, but her presence remains,
A constant reminder, banishing all my pains.

A flicker of her smile, a warmth in my heart,
A touch of her grace, mending every part.
She’s a part of me now, woven into my soul,
A bond that time cannot break or make whole.

Her laughter echoes in the silence of my mind,
Her words of wisdom, forever entwined.
She’s gone, but not forgotten, her spirit lives on,
A part of me, until my own life is done.

So I embrace her memory, cherish every trace,
Of the woman she was, her love and her grace.
For in her absence, I’ve found a part of me true,
The part that is her, forevermore to view.

Though she’s gone, her laughter still echoes, a testament to the enduring bond woven into my soul.

