You Should Feed Both Wolves

To honor all the energies in your life

Eva Joy
Reaching Hearts
Published in
3 min readApr 4, 2024


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Whether is real or fakelore, the parable of the two wolves is one of my favorite stories.

It’s a story in which an old Cherokee Indian chief was teaching his grandson about life.

A fight is going on inside of me,” he says to the boy. “It’s a terrible fight between two wolves. One is evil — he is full of rage, jealousy, arrogance, greed, sorrow, regret, lies, laziness, and self-pity.

Pretty self-explanatory, the Dark Wolf represents our negative traits and emotions. And it’s easier to feed. He is there to encourage the easier options in life.

He continues, “The other is good — he is filled with love, joy, peace, generosity, truth, empathy, courage, humility, and faith. This same fight is going on inside the hearts of everyone, including you.

The Light Wolf represents our positive emotions and characteristics. It’s much harder to feed but brings us a sense of accomplishment and success at the end of the day.

I found recently that this story has 2 versions:

The initial version — the wolf you feed wins



Eva Joy
Reaching Hearts

Life in all its aspects, little things that aren't little. Follow me for tips and ideas to help you heal from things you don't talk about!🌸