First entity in Santander Group to have our own carbon footprint indicator

Be Tech! with Santander
Be Tech! with Santander
2 min readJul 4, 2024

At Santander Digital Services, we want to measure the impact of our activity on the environment. Only in this way we can find and implement improvements, and demonstrate our commitment to the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles.

Today, we have great news: we are the first entity in Santander Group to have our carbon footprint indicator.

Positive impact.

How we calculate our footprint

To calculate our footprint, we take into account buildings, accesses, teleworking and some more data of our employees.

We follow two steps to measure it: first the indicators that generate CO2 emissions, directly or indirectly, are recorded. Then, they are classified into three scopes:

🟢​ Direct energy consumption:

Litres or cubic metres of natural gas, petrol or diesel for buildings and own fleet of vehicles.

🟢​ Indirect energy consumption:

Mainly electricity, although others such as municipal central heating that exists in very cold geographies.

🟢​ Other indirect consumption resulting from the Group’s activity:

Employee travel on business trips (by plane, train, orcar) and so-called commuting (travel of employees from home to work).

Thus, we have learned that our ratio per employee in Santander Digital Services is 0.78 tonnes of CO2, and 0.88 on average in Grupo Santander. We’re not doing too badly! 😎

What else are we doing to reduce our impact on the planet

We have already defined an action plan to continue reducing our impact, initiatives such as those already being carried out, such as installing solar panels and changing current luminaires for more efficient ones.

We are also replacing natural gas equipment with multifunctional electric equipment. And, of course, we want to reduce the emissions that we, as professionals, generate with more spaces for electric cars, teleworking in an orderly way and more restrictive business travel policies.

Before you go:

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