You Don’t Have to Be Perfect

How to rethink things…

Maxx Mitchell


I used to think everything I did needed to be perfect. Although I’m not sure I would have consciously stated it that way.

Put another way, I would dwell on the negative parts of what I did… and forget about the positive parts. I’d always remember when I lost my train of thought or forgot a word during a presentation, but not focus on the overall success of the message I presented.

If I threw a dinner party, my mind would marinate on the one food item that didn’t taste as well as I hoped, or the fact that I couldn’t find the right playlist to play, or that I hadn’t put out the decorative towels that I’d specifically bought for the party. I would think less about the beautiful decorations and how my close friends and family had traveled far to celebrate with me.

Realizing and accepting that you don’t have to or need to be perfect is one of the most important principles you can learn in life. Unless you’re a lawyer, a surgeon, or a soldier in combat. (And if you are doing one of those jobs for a living, then I just pray for you.)

There are many times that you need to do very well at something because an important sale is on the line or your entire job is on the line. I understand that pressure. But in a lot of occasions, there is no real threat to your well-being if you don’t perform a flawless job.

So it’s really wise to go easy on yourself.



Maxx Mitchell

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