6 Lessons from Having a Small Penis

I used six lessons because six sounds like sex.

Quiet Cacophony
Be Unique


Photo by Deon Black from Pexels

I didn’t fully know what to expect when I joined the Marines. I knew that:

  1. I didn’t think I could afford college.
  2. The blue uniforms looked sharp.

My Spidey senses should have clued me in when the doctor at the physical said, “You know, Marines are really tough.” For reference, to give you a mental picture of how “tough” I was when I joined the Marine Corps, my senior high school pictures included: 1) a picture of me in gym shorts, holding a tennis racquet, and 2) a picture of me in front of a background of laserbeams, holding a Nintendo controller. Hashtag: tough.

Make every day a party for you and your dog with Snausages® dog snacks

Flying all night and then busing into Paris Island, brought me into a place that I was… not familiar with.

Channeling my inner Dorthy from Wizard of Oz, and clicking my heels together three times, and wishing to go home — did not work. I didn’t teleport home. I was stuck there.

Mean men were yelling loudly; overworked barbers quickly sheered my full head of hair; the world was spinning from dehydration and system shock. Did I already mention the picture…

