8 Essential Things You Can Do to Stay Sane During a World Pandemic

Janaka Stagnaro
Be Unique


Artwork by Janaka Stagnaro

Life on this earth is hard enough. After all, the Buddha did say that all the world was suffering. For most of us, trying to get by, making sure we and our loved ones have the basics is difficult enough to do. Finding and securing a safe place to live, getting food to the table, having good healthcare, and making enough money to ensure such crucial needs are met.

Now, on top of the normal challenges, we have a world pandemic to tackle. Covid-19 is shaking up our world. And though scientists are doing their best to help against this virus, we are at its mercy.

I look at all events, pleasant or unpleasant, as gifts from the Divine. I may certainly not understand why it was sent my way. But I trust it is for a higher purpose, it is part of the Plan.

If we look at this pandemic as a gift to force us to change, to wake up, both personally and collectively, we can benefit from this in a big way.

In this article, I will be sharing with you eight essential things you can do to not only lessen your suffering but by incorporating them (or at least some, anyway) may even help you to wake up to who you truly are.

I am an introvert and have been a spiritual practitioner for nearly 40 years now, so this lockdown…



Janaka Stagnaro
Be Unique

Poetry, parables, articles — spiritual, life-lessons, Waldorf education, artwork. 11 books.