9 Best Work from Home Jobs for Homeschooling Single Parents

Pros and cons of each from lived experience

Jeanne Yacoubou, MS
Be Unique


Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

It’s never been harder to be a single parent.

Covid-19 has completely upended any semblance of normalcy in your daily life. Child care is hazardous. Playgroups are unsafe. Babysitters are risky. So what’s a single parent with young kids, struggling to make ends meet, to do?

And now, the First Day of School is upon you.

As a single mom, you have a gut feeling — some call it intuition — that school is not a good place to send your littles every day. There are too, too many unknowns. You’d be totally devastated — ready to crawl into a dark hole forever — if your precious child caught potentially deadly COVID. Then, heaven forbid, they showed no symptoms whatsoever but passed it to your toddler.

You’d have a full-blown crisis on your hands. All alone. Scary stuff.

No question that you should definitely listen to your heart and keep them home from school this year. But…then what?

Homeschooling is the obvious alternative. And you can make it work for your family, even as a single parent! In a previous article titled 5 Key Ways to Set Up a Pandemic Homeschool That Your Kids Will Love, I outlined things you can do right now to…



Jeanne Yacoubou, MS
Be Unique

3x Top Writer | Climate mom | Environmental writer | Sustainability researcher