9 Funny Codes Used by Customer Care Reps for Difficult Customers

Do you know what PEBCAK means?

Lokajit Tikayatray
Be Unique


Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

There are so many funny stories online about customer care agents and how they have no clue about the real issues faced by end-users.

Here is a different perspective on how customer care representatives deal with difficult customers. There are many funny codes used by reps in the comments of the trouble tickets they raise to indicate their experience with the customer. These codes give a quick idea to their superiors and peers to understand what is the real problem without having to explain the whole incident in detail.

These are not official codes but quite prevalent among customer care representatives while adding comments to a trouble ticket. Take it on a lighter note.


PEBCAK is an acronym for ‘Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard.’.

You probably would have guessed by now what it means. It means the user, who sits on the chair and operates the keyboard, is the problem. The system is working fine, but the user does not know how to use it. PEBCAK is a very common term used by tech support agents for a user who firmly believes that the system is at fault.



Lokajit Tikayatray
Be Unique

Blogger, Techie, Leader with 19 years of industry experience. Inspiring people through Technology, Personal Development, & Leadership — lokajittikayatray.com