A Sacrifice Smooths the Path for Upward Mobility

Act with integrity

Aeril Trinidad
Be Unique
5 min readSep 2, 2020


Photo by Jakob Braun on Unsplash

Sacrifice is a set of circumstances that are severely inadequate in the contemporary world at large. In the segment of procurer ideology and selfish intent, people embarked on obliviating about an impartial outlook that carries ethereal but virtuous appeasement.

Do you pin one’s faith on the Ten Commandments of the Bible, particularly about “Thou shall not kill?”

A little while back, I caught myself feating my eyes on the “Hacksaw Ridge” movie based on true to life stories. From this day onwards, It’s a film that I’ve habitually going to be holding in admiration, and I’m pleased to say it doesn’t disappoint me and you should watch this movie as well.


It displays the factual story of Pfc. Desmond Doss, an American soldier who plays an indispensable role in the gruesomest skirmish of World War II without carrying a weapon, even though it’s the nemesis his dealing with, he chose not to kill, not a single man on that battlefield.

He performs duties for his nation as a combat medic that sacrifices his life — deprived of shooting a man — to rescue 75 men in the Battle of Okinawa, Japan. He also doesn’t believe in dispatching a mortal soul will decipher the serious predicament. Because who we are to stand and extract someone’s life?

Desmond Doss was awarded and became the first vigorous person to receive a Congressional Medal of Honor. This proves in every bit of our performance will not be in vain.

This film ushers me into wide-ranging thoughts of being selfless, having the courage when needed, and compassion of willing to sacrifice under peculiar convictions.

It’s copacetic that everyone wants the tranquility in life, but it’s fallacious to crave privileges without sweating blood. The truth is, privileged is designated for those who are righteous to possess it.

You might have in mind that this piece of mine is jam-packed to possessions, but this doesn’t end here, there’s a stack of upward mobility to claim if we’re receptive and oblige a sacrifice.

Photo by Vasily Koloda on Unsplash

Sacrifice of Students

All students (including me) have the fair contingency to be victorious. The autonomous thing that upholds the outcome is a mixed bag of competency, perseverance, and sacrifice.

I acknowledge what it feels to be plowed into your classes and to put the pedal to the metal to procure the pre-eminent score. I perceive it’s fulfilling and authenticating to outlook your marks as a commendatory feature of yourself.

Nonscholastic activities such as debate team, student government, sports, and arts will maintain the momentum of forging a path through upward mobility.

Nothing else is gratifying when compared with acquiring exceptional grades and evaluating it as an embodiment of your character. Yet, your appraises and prosecution at a university don’t modify who you are as a human being. It does not specify who you will emerge in the long run. It’s hinged on placing a value on yourself.

Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash

Sacrifice on Friendships

I comprehend that friendship requires a plethora of sacrifice. The term “friendship” will certainly scrutinize when both partners procure a scenario that will test them out each other.

Asides from being spontaneously person and a good listener. It crafts your friend to have a hunch of the feeling of being treasured. It also tolerates to explicit their setbacks, hindrances and not stockpile them all boxed up.

There is also another form of being a good friend — alacrity of having compassion to sacrifice — despite it’s above your paygrade, you still on the verge of forging a sacrifice. Because you habitually stand behind your friend and reap the benefit of true friendship.

Photo by Alberto Casetta on Unsplash

Sacrifice of Parents

A portion of people, specifically parents, make sacrifices to fulfill a common goal — to provide the necessity for loved ones. Under the guise of a parent, it is conspicuous to raise their children with selflessness and tenderness.

The first phase of parents is to sacrifice themselves for their children to burst through from their mother. Imagine, sacrificing her pain to carry us for nine months that took about 275 days and nights inside of her belly.

Sometimes rather than acknowledging what sacrificed for us, even the little things, we chose to grumble and argue with our parents. What we don’t recognize, parents have the uttermost selfless love in this world.

The top priority of parenthood is to elevate their kids to turns over a new leaf that empowers them to blossom and land at their true capability as an individual.

Photo by Neil Thomas on Unsplash

The Sacrifice of Military Forces

As we know that the brave soldiers are our modern heroes in today’s society, fighting for the lives of people and their country, competing against evil-doers.

In the vein of Pfc. Desmond Doss, he elucidates what truly means of being a soldier and to ushering freedom that we are witnessing at this moment.

Let’s cherish every moment and be thankful for what we have. Because some children are lacking the ability to sense the warmth of the love of a father who had to be in the theaters of wars, to crusade for the nation’s sovereignty.

Executing sacrifice replenishes a sense of sympathy. The human being who you’re willing to sacrifice for will perpetually express courtesy towards you. Even if, you’re not existing in this world anymore, your legacy will be remembered and never goes in vain.

In the Author’s Perspective

I have no desire to preach a sermon today. On the flip side, I crave to divulge regarding a term we are neglectful to at this moment. It is not a term that exists in the present-day world.

Homo sapiens surmise the word ‘sacrifice’ identical to a nightmare because they comprehend that something will be bear away from them. Or people sympathize to capitulate something to deal with an agreement.

Yet, I state to believe an authentic sacrifice is a triumph we must cherish because it requires our free will to give up to something or someone we love more than ourselves.

But let me clarify the true meaning of having this sentiment. It’s essential to fill yourself with courage, a clear conscience and acceptance to endure it all.

Because it’s a gamble that doesn’t determine the outcome of a scenario, a risk that manifests if you take it or leave it, but it conquers the affray at odds with resentment. The resentment that obscures the gleam on actual value in our lives. It’s up to you if you’re willing to make the sacrifices on route for upward mobility.



Aeril Trinidad
Be Unique

Inspiring people is my top priority | Student and Writer | Passionate about writing poetry, life-lessons and personal growth | Email: aeriltrinidad@gmail.com