Be your own inspiration!

You maybe be outscored but you will never lose.

Rinkesh Gorasia
Be Unique
4 min readJun 9, 2018


Believe in yourself!!

Did I win? Or did I lose? Those are the wrong questions.

The correct questions is : “Did I make my best efforts?”

No matter what your ability is, effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment.

There are many ways I could inspire you.

I could tell you a story like many others have. Or, I could talk to you and make you feel better by my words. I could even relate your situation to my own and tell you how I overcame it.

Would that help you? Probably, yes!

But that’s not the right question to ask.

Would that help you in the long run? Maybe not! Certainly not.

Wanna bet that you’ll be back to this situation soon again? I’m sure you will.

What are you gonna do then?

Ask another question to get inspired? Or, read these answers again?

Why don’t you ask for something which will keep you inspired forever?

Wouldn’t that act as a permanent cure? It sure will!

But before I tell you, I’d need to know what’s making you sad?

Is it the people around who are the cause behind your sadness? Did someone hurt you? Is it related to your career? Are your efforts not paying off? Do you think life has been unfair to you?

Whatever it is, what are you going to do about it? I’m guessing you don’t know.

But do you think you can do something about it? Hell, yeah!

The very people you’re asking this question, they need inspiration too. Inspite of writing something to inspire you, they too feel sad and depressed at times.

So how can someone, who can be depressed themselves, inspite of having such amazing stories to share, inspire you? They cannot!

Then who can? Its you!

Yes! Only you can inspire yourself.

Whatever stories there are, none of them would have any effect unless you let them affect you. Whatever I write, blabber, shout is going to mean shit to you, unless you want to feel good yourself.

Any book out there , any article out there will give you there life experiences . Every situation is not same , every being is different .

So read yourself , keep a check on yourself , help yourself build .

“No material is going to help you build but, YOU and no other person can teach you but YOU ”

Your Thoughts ..!

These construct you , read them , analyse them , look around absorb good , no particular writing will rescue you , there are small , every day things that will help you get the right thoughts .

Your Actions ..!

They portray you , they show who you are . You are known by how you perform , by how you act , how kind you are . There is always black and white , right and wrong choose wisely , again no script will pull you from the dilemma , do what you feel is right.What if you go wrong learn , cause that is how you learn .

Your Style..!

Your way of approach , how organized you are , how disciplined you are , what have you planned for yourself or is there even a plan ? . Take a paper , write your goals , your routine and follow it . Read , Revise and update it . This ultimately will be known by you and no one else .

What are looking for ?

So what are you waiting for?

That opportunity can knock on that bloody door forever, but it won’t enter unless you get up and open the damn door. No one else is going to do that for you.

Your dream will remain a dream for a lifetime unless you motivate yourself to do something about it. Just tell yourself that “Enough is enough, I’m not going to stay sad like this.”

If someone has left you, or said something which hurt you, then stop worrying about it. Go and make new friends. Find new people who are worth being part of your life. Don’t stay depressed for the ones who are either gone or are bringing you down. Worrying about all this will make you miss out on a lot in the meantime.

You can inspire a thousand people once you learn to inspire yourself.

And how will that happen?

By setting yourself an example. By being that example. Just stop being sad and start being awesome. Life is nothing but your perception about everything. Change your perception and it will take a second to realise your situations is not all that gloomy.

The fact that you are not where you want to be, should be enough motivation.

Life is not simple , don’t unfold it by others experience , have your own . Feel every moment , do some mistakes , you will know that it was one beautiful journey with lot of destinations that you reached ..!

Once you learn to inspire yourself, you won’t have to depend on anyone else for that. Ever! Because the next time you need an example to uplift yourself, all you need to do is look in the mirror.

Hey there, this is Rinkesh. If we’re meeting for the first time, I say Hi to you.If you found this helpful, consider sharing it with a friend living across the ideological divide and a 👏 is always, appreciable.



Rinkesh Gorasia
Be Unique

Founder Career Leap | Blockchain & Crypto Educator