Chasing Casper and Getting Gold

A means to my ideal goal, to a dream beyond!

Be Unique
3 min readDec 13, 2020


Image by Guvendemir, from istockphoto

Very recently, I began taking on my wildest dream and chasing it vigorously on a daily basis. It’s been the best time of my life and waking up has never been easier and lighter than before.

What is this dream of mine?

My dream is to make people’s lives just a little bit better.


By building communities, by entertaining and causing laughter, by helping those who remember to forget through belonging and feeling loved and cared for.

My goal for the future is to be able to support myself, and what family I have, through twitch streaming. A lot think it to be unrealistic, and I sort of agree with them because the field has now become so competitive that it’s saturated with thousands and thousands of others trying to do the same thing.

However, there’s one thing that makes me different from those thousands.

What is it?

My intent: I’m not doing this for the money, reputation, or any worldly thing of the same ilk. I’m doing it because I love gaming, I love getting people together, and I absolutely love making people laugh and smile.

It’s been a part of me my entire life. Ever since I was young, I would imitate and parrot my family members perfectly. Mimicking people always came super easy to me, and it also became clear why that is.

It’s because I’m an entertainer by nature. I am a person whose purpose, or part of it at least is to sit down with you and, before having you leave, get you to feel some sort of positive emotion.

Whether that emotion is from a productive conversation, a good joke, or a therapeutic moment is all good to me, and hopefully you!

The reason why I’m writing this article is to let you know that… there’s nothing more exciting and motivating than to chase the thing you love the most.

So long as the thing you are chasing is:
1) Realistic and “gettable”,
2) You have a natural talent or predisposition to this goal more so than others and,
3) Your intention behind your goal is more to the benefit of others rather than yourself.

I imagine many can debate the last one since some people go into business or stock exchange for money. It’s fine to chase a job strictly for the money it produces… but one day, know that you will burn out and lose all motivation of keeping on.

The one thing that I’ve come to learn over the long years that fights burnout better than anything else is passion.

Our passion for something is what produces that patience which we need to persist through the long years, tribulations, and manifestations of obstacles dominant and chronicled to fall within our path and make us lack in progress.

Passion is the solution. Not money, not reputation, power, nor intellect. It is the passion that shields us from the devastations of time.



Be Unique

Egyptian, New York-based law student seeking a better life. Contents on this page may include: Self-Improvement, Philosophy, Poetry, Fiction, and others!