Deal With It Now or Deal With It Later

There are some things no one can protect you from. You must learn to overcome them before you can move forward.

DJ Jeffries ✔️
Be Unique


One of the most frustrating parts of being a kid is that you look to adults to protect you. You glorify them for their strength, wisdom, and experience. You trust that they will be there to protect you from harm. Sometimes they are. Sometimes they aren’t. Over time, you learn that some of the things you think you need them to save you from, are actually things you’ll need to learn to face.

At the time of childhood, you don’t have the benefit of hindsight. So you go through the world dealing with bullies, debilitating feelings of not being good enough, and unmanageable emotions mostly alone. The adults watch with empathy. Yet, they silently acknowledge that these struggles become the very fabric of the human experience.

They recognize that how you deal with these experiences will determine how you fair in the world. But most importantly, adults know that it does not actually get…



DJ Jeffries ✔️
Be Unique

I help people identify their life’s work and improve their work life. HR Innovation Specialist. Career Coach. Founder of