Deciphering The Clouds

Anita Sud
Be Unique
Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2020

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm but to add color to my sunset sky.” ~ Rabindranath Tagore

Photo credits Anita Sud

The novelty of an unpolluted sky has still not worn off, and every time I stand in my balcony and look up, I spontaneously reach out for my camera wanting to capture the moment for eternity. Clouds that were rarely visible previously now show up clearly, and as I look up so many thoughts rush through my mind.

I took this particular photograph as the sun was setting, and the blue and white were swathed in pink, adding so much mystery, and my thoughts turned sublime.

Clouds inspire me with hope and positivity. They make me aspirational and encourage me to dream.

In their different shapes and colors, they look beautiful, and I can spend a lot of time watching them.

As a child, I looked up at the sky at night and would count the stars. The distant stars all told me a story. I had my life ahead and so many things to achieve. There was no fear of time running out or failure. I knew for a certainty that I had to work hard and make my family proud of my achievements. I was self-driven, and as I put in the effort, the stars motivated me to shine as bright.

As the years progressed and I achieved milestones, I stopped seeing the stars. They were just not visible to me. Life was one big rush, and the dreamer in me got lost. I was on automatic mode, accepted and adapted to the pace and path I had paved for myself.

I may not have achieved great laurels or wealth, but led a content and happy life.

The pandemic has given me the time and inclination to look at the sky again. I am less self-obsessed and realize what a fool I have been!

Photo credits Anita Sud

The vastness of the sky makes me realize how small and insignificant I am. My existence must be of little consequence in this universe.

Chasing success, socializing, running after material wants had taken me away from the meditative stance that looking up at the sky motivates.

The sky makes me aware that nothing is permanent or forever. As the colors in the sky change, so do our thoughts, moods, and purpose of existence.

The grey has submerged, and the sunset colors fill me with optimism as I look ahead. I think of how I can and will spread love and joy in the years to come. I now need to look beyond my family and friends.

It is essential to color my life and world with meaningful words and actions, empathy, understanding, and love.

Temporary setbacks are like the grey clouds, that soon disappear in the pink gold hues of the sunset.

Dreams, positivity, and change are anchors that keep us from drifting and inspire us to be better humans. Time is an illusion, and looking up at the sky and clouds reinforces the necessity of living a purposeful life.

Photo credits Anita Sud

“A cloud does not know why it moves in just such a direction and at such a speed, it feels an impulsion… this is the place to go now. But the sky knows the reason and the patterns behind all clouds, and you will know, too, when you lift yourself high enough to see beyond horizons.”

Richard Bach



Anita Sud
Be Unique

An educationist for 30 years, I have a newly acquired love for blogging and enjoy penning my thoughts and experiences.