Failing Is a Blessing In Disguise, why?

Find out why most Successful People think Failure is a Prerequisite for Success.

Luis Pereira
Be Unique


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Success is seen as something we need to achieve in anything that we do, society as a whole frowns upon failure, but failure should not be seen as a negative outcome.

Thomas Edison, widely known for his invention of the light bulb reportedly failed 1,000 times before the creation of the lightbulb. A reporter asked, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?” Thomas Edison replied with “I didn’t fail 1,000 times, the lightbulb was an invention with 1,000 steps”.

Unlike Edison, many of us try to avoid failure. We are so focused on avoiding failure that we rather have a life filled with mediocrity. Like your fear of starting a business, your fear of expanding your social network… with all these potential failures that could occur, you much rather live a life filled with mediocrity.

But when we do make the missteps, we try to gloss over them, removing the mistakes in our life’s resume. Jerry C a NASA flight controller, stated “Failure is not an option,” during the mission to bring the damaged Apollo 13 back to Earth, that phrase has engrained into our memory ever since. To many in our success-driven world, failure isn’t just seen as a non-negotiable option, it is seen as a…



Luis Pereira
Be Unique

Freelance writer on Medium. Experienced In Cyber Security and SEO — For business inquiries please contact