How Fairness Creams are Racist?

Fair equal to good people is a myth but the British effect still affecting Indians.

Vikash Jangra
Be Unique


watch the transformation of the smile and hidden racism

Britishers left India in 1947 but their fair skin effect is still as usual on Indians. They don’t get afraid of the peoples yet they are best on their judging peoples on their skin color. Yes, you read it right. Fair skin color for which Indians apply different creams and other old recipes to bring some fairness. It is 2020 and peoples are still believing in skin colors. There are many big issues like global warming but people stuck in some racist things.

Let’s move to the topic now, how fairness creams are racist in India? Ask me, how’s not? They are running racist ads from years and years forcing people to the thought that only fair skin color makes you successful. It is not just one there are many in the market like that.

According to the Indian constitution, a person should not be judge on their skin color, caste, gender, locality, etc. but these racist ads from years and years are showing on national television and other platforms too.

Fair and Lovely — A fairness cream name



Vikash Jangra
Be Unique

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