How Much Weight Can You Carry?

Deciding what to carry forward and what to leave behind

Mary DeVries
Be Unique


Photo by Bahador on Unsplash

When we were preparing to move overseas with three small children, a seasoned pro gave me some good advice.

“Help the kids pack their own backpacks for traveling. Then make them put them on and walk around for a bit to make sure they can handle the weight. If it’s too heavy for them, you’ll end up carrying everyone’s backpacks.”

Makes sense doesn’t it? Make sure you can handle the weight before heading off on an adventure. Lighten the load and you’ll go further faster. Evaluate carefully what you really need on your back and jettison the rest.

I’m here to tell you, that no matter how much baggage you leave behind, you will still end up with too much to carry.

Yes, if you are ruthless in your metaphorical and literal packing for life’s adventures you will end up wishing for something you didn’t bring. But this will be outweighed by the new experiences and treasures you are able to gather because of the open space in your arms and backpack.

Can you really carry all that?

My five-year-old took her packing job seriously. As book after book and toy after toy disappeared into her bulging backpack, I urged caution.



Mary DeVries
Be Unique

The older I get, the less I know. That won’t stop me from writing about everything and anything under the sun. Join me in delighting and despairing about life.