How to Avoid Snacking When You Are Working From Home

Tips to avoid fattening the stomach whilst we flatten the curve

Ash Jurberg
Be Unique
Published in
4 min readMay 1, 2020


Hello, fridge my old friend.

I’m back to check you out once again.

Like many others, I am working from home. However, unlike the influx of recent WFH’ers, I have been doing so for six years. I know one of the biggest challenges is the constant procession between desk and fridge. I was doing it so often I wore a trail on the carpet.

It’s no secret people are at greater risk of adding on the kilos being stuck working at home.

Australian dietician and founder of the Shape Me program Susie Burrell advises:

“The biggest predictor of discretionary food intake is availability, and food is so readily available at home. We also have less stimulation and hence are more likely to go looking for food when we are bored.”

As a reformed constant snacker here are some tips that I have found useful to pass onto Work from Home newbies

1. Drink water

Feeling hungry? Most likely you are just feeling bored and head to the fridge for something to do. Instead take a detour to the sink, fill up your water bottle and drink.

