How to Get Your Very First Medium Story Curated

It’s possible, I did it and so can you

Margaret Pan
Be Unique


One of the things a new writer realizes almost right after they join Medium is that curation matters. Do a little bit of research, and you’ll discover dozens of stories about how to get curated on Medium. It’s probably the one thing every single writer here writes about at one point or another.

Why? Well, because, apparently getting your stories curated is not the easiest task. I’ve seen hundreds of writers complaining that they never, or hardly ever get curated. And I’m talking about senior writers, people who have been writing here for quite some time.

Managing to get your very first Medium story curated might seem impossible. If senior writers can’t do it, how can you?

I joined Medium approximately two and a half months ago. I published my first story on May 5. One and a half-hour later, I received this e-mail from Medium’s team:

Screenshot: Author

Just to clarify things, although this story is now in the publication Hello, Love, it was initially self-published. A couple of weeks ago, I submitted it in this relationships-related publication to…



Margaret Pan
Be Unique

I write about books, relationships, and personal development. Contact: Newsletter + more: