How to Navigate Through a World That Doesn’t Care About Your Creativity

Society can’t put you in a tick-box

Jamie Jackson
Be Unique


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.

You’re a creative person. Admit it. No really, go look in the mirror and say “I’m a creative person.”

It feels weird and pretentious, doesn’t it?

We live in a culture where creativity is celebrated – music, art, talent shows, books, films – but no one is allowed to say they’re creative, that’s not the done thing.

Perhaps this is more of a British thing, as we lean too much into humility, but the taboo is definitely there.

Maybe it’s because people mix up creativity with talent; you’re not saying you’re talented, you’re just acknowledging your drive to express yourself through some form of art.

Still, it’s uncomfortable to admit this as most people don’t have your burning need to create, most are happy to work in process-driven jobs and watch Netflix.

Which is fine, but you have to realize this

As a creative person, you’ll always feel at odds with society because society is set up for people to be cogs in machines, not to drift around being creative.

Solicitors and accountants commuting to work in stuffy suits are seen as successful…



Jamie Jackson
Be Unique

Between two skies and towards the night. // Email me: jamiejacksonati [at] gmail [dot] com