How To Stop The Mind’s Chatter

A guide on how to focus on your work and stop overthinking

Bisni Basheer
Be Unique


Image by dreamelancholia from DeviantArt

What happens when the most important faculty in your life is doing its rubbish all the time, not doing what you want it to do?

We are perpetual thinkers. It's a nonstop habit. We generate about 70,000 thoughts per day.

What are these thoughts about? Are they helping us live the life we want to live or are they bringing us down?

The mind should not be telling its own stories all the time. It should tell what you want to tell. Otherwise it is a nuisance — Sadhguru

Overthinking stems from a constant state of fear.

Overthinking is like dreaming during the day. You miss all the joys of life. Imagining and being scared of what might not come. Overthinking is hell.

Overthinking gives rise to anxiety, insomnia, paralysis, and depression.

One of the most frustrating things about overthinking is that more often than not, it seems to go nowhere. No progress is made from all the unwanted effort that is forced upon you. You simply end up going in the same circles over and over, resulting only in frustration and misery.



Bisni Basheer
Be Unique

Medical Student, Bibiliophile, Cinephile. I write about books, productivity, mental health and pop culture.