
How to See and Understand Life in A Healthy Dose of “Grey”

There is a hint of nihilism in the way we see life among the many shades of grey.

Annisa RT
Be Unique
Published in
7 min readApr 6, 2021


Photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash

In the realm of social life, we ought to see that life is not black and white, we understand how terribly complex and nuanced most things are. As we grow older — if we put the time to sit and think — the reality of life will usually make us see and understand that most things are in-between shades of grey.

Seeing life in “grey” — or something called “grey-thinking” — means accepting life’s complexity as what it is, not labeling something neatly into our box of perception.

However, on a scale of “oh yeah it depends” to “oh yeah it depends because we see everything in its different forms since this is a multi-dimensional world with infinite possibilities which can’t be defined nor differentiated by a universal truth, the truth of grey-thinking is easier to grasp in theory than in practice.

I’ve seen many people interpret the grey areas of life unhealthily. They think of life as something that we may never fully understand.

“I mean, it’s life. Nothing is certain in this world.”



Annisa RT
Be Unique

Writer. A curious soul striving for personal growth. Writes on Mental Health, Self, Psychology, Writing & Marketing | More insight: