How to Use Math to Get Better at Anything

It’s the ultimate brain development technique.

Veronika Georgieva
Be Unique


Photo by Dragos Gontariu on Unsplash

However it may look like, our world is actually absolutely logical. Each action has causes, reasons, consequences — even when we don't see or understand all of them.

In the same sense, everything you do has tons of logic in it. In science that is obvious, but many people don't realize you use logic to communicate with others, to empathize, to create. It’s important even in art.

That is because each of these categories includes very different tools, but work on the same basis and ultimately have the same goals: to help describe, understand, or change the world. Everything has a method, a way to be done — an algorithm, even life is arguably one huge problem you need to solve and hope you get the right answers.

So it’s only natural that developing your logical thinking can help you excel at whatever you do. The method which gives you the fastest and most effective results hides in mathematics.

Math is the best exercise for the brain as practicing it is proven to develop your analytical and logical thinking, to make future decision-making, and problem-solving a lot easier, to make your brain more active as a whole. It will help you go deeper into thought and even train you to learn from errors

