I Miss Restaurants

Kirsty Q
Be Unique
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2020


Image — Pixabay

There is something about going into a restaurant that just makes me feel good! It doesn’t have to be anywhere too fancy but just being able to relax and have a delicious meal cooked for you whilst being able to engage fully in conversation without worrying that you are going to burn your food is just like heaven to me.

With everything that is going on in the world right now restaurants are closed and I have to admit I am struggling. I am not able to get my restaurant fix and in a way, I feel guilty for missing it, especially when there are so many bigger problems that people are facing.

I miss having a ‘night off’.

Image — Pixabay

Not having to worry about what to cook, what side dishes would work well, how much free time I have between cleaning and vacuuming to knock up something tasty and then there’s the washing up, don’t get me started!

Being able to enjoy a delicious meal out is one of my simple pleasures in life. I do not smoke, don’t drink, certainly do not do drugs and I am careful with my money so treating myself to some tasty food once or twice a week is my crux. I have now come to realize that I have been taking it for granted.

Don’t get me wrong, I have enjoyed eating at home to an extent as it has given me the time and opportunity to experiment cooking new dishes and I have also saved a lot of money but I just do not get the enjoyment out of home cooking as I do with a restaurant.

Being able to have a great restaurant experience I find is not only good for your belly, but it is also good for your soul! Having a change of scenery, seeing new faces, broadening your surroundings and culinary tastebuds, talk about releasing those feel-good mood-boosting endorphins!

On a deeper level, I can even say I think restaurants help my relationship, I’m not saying we would hit rock bottom if we could never go to a restaurant again but something about stepping out of your natural home environment certainly helps to alleviate stress so we can be more at one with each other. There is no talk or stressing over chores and we can have a catch up to see how we are both truly feeling behind all the chaos of life.

Image — Pixabay

So there it is, I have said it aloud, “I Miss Restaurants!” It is my vice and if that makes me a bad person I guess that is just how it will have to be, I will just have to look forward to being a bad person eating a top-notch dinner followed by an exquisite slice of cheesecake!



Kirsty Q
Be Unique

Writing mainly in the Women & Finance categories but generally whatever tickles my fancy at the time!