I see you. I hear you. I support you. I don’t support hate & violence.

Alicia | Marketing & Sales Coach
Be Unique
Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2020


As I sit here and stare at my screen and trying to gather my thoughts and feelings with everything going on in the world, there are three things that keep coming to my mind.

1. I’m absolutely heartbroken.

I’m heartbroken for George Floyd’s family. I’m heartbroken for each civilian family that has lost a loved one during these riots. I’m heartbroken for the families of the cops that have been killed during these riots. It breaks my heart that there is so much hate in this world.

2. I’m fucking pissed off.

I am so pissed that some people can take a life and not even blink an eye, not feel any remorse. I am pissed at the lack of empathy for others. I am so pissed about how violent and heartless people can be. I am pissed to see innocent lives being taken for absolutely no reason.

3. I’m terrified.

When my boyfriend puts on that blue uniform for the day my heart sinks just a little more. I silently wonder how big the target on his back is. I wonder how far all of this hate is going to go…will I become a target just because I’m affiliated with him? What about our friends and family?



Alicia | Marketing & Sales Coach
Be Unique

I help online business owners hit their first $5k months by learning how to market and sell their offers, sign clients consistently through learning sales.