If You Want to Live an Easy Life, Live It the Hard Way

Why looking for the easy way will only make your life harder and miserable

Annisa RT
Be Unique


Once, a beautiful lark bird was living by the riverside. One morning, the lark was chirping a melodious jumble when a farmer passed by. The bird saw the farmer and was curious to know what he was carrying in a box in his hand.

The bird asked the farmer, “What do you have in the box you are carrying?”

The farmer said that he had worms. He didn’t know that the bird loved worms. The lark bird was curious and asked where the farmer was taking the worms.

“I’m taking the worms to the market to trade them for feathers,” the farmer answered. The bird was interested in the worms and flew next to the farmer to strike a deal with him.

The lark said, “Why don’t you give me that box of worms in exchange for a feather, instead of going to the market.”

The farmer agreed. He gave the worms to the lark, and the lark plucked a feather and gave it to him in return.

The next day, the same thing happened. The lark plucked another feather in return for worms from the farmer. It happened again the day after, and on and on until a day came that the lark had no more feathers.



Annisa RT
Be Unique

Writer. A curious soul striving for personal growth. Writes on Mental Health, Self, Psychology, Writing & Marketing | More insight: bit.ly/thecuriositymagnet