The constant bombardment of Advertisements, the exchange of viewpoints promoting materialism and the unwanted & unskippable video ads that pops-up or intrude in between information consumption, are apt to condition us for instant gratification.
It is not our fault but we are hardwired for Instant Gratifications. Many tech-giants & multiple marketers exploit this hardwired tendency to attract & retain our attention.
Introspect for a minute on that.
We want our food to be ready in two minutes.
We want six-pack abs immediately, sometimes even without going to the gym.
We want the summary of the book rather enduring long hours of reading it.
We want things without any delay or deferment.
That delay or waiting for the things to happen, when we have done all the things that we could have done for that thing to happen, is the virtue that we need to develop.
In today’s world, we grossly undermine the virtue of patience. We plan, act, and worry for the short term benefits while in the process we overlook the longterm benefits.