It’s Time To Shed Light On American Secret Societies

Ashley Grant
Be Unique
Published in
5 min readMay 23, 2020


The topic of secret government societies has always been a topic of conspiracy theorists. Many people refuse to believe that there could be much more to high society and the government than what meets the eye. And for the most part, maybe those people are right.

The likelihood of an Illuminati is laughable to many. Scientology, although interesting and controversial, is at its core just a religion. But within the back and forth of the debate over political and economic power concerning our government, one often overlooked element is the fact that there are undeniably secret societies that many government and financial officials are a part of.

Very unsurprising is the fact that secret societies typically are made up of those with power, influence, and money. Nearly all of the well-known and heavily influential societies are exclusive only to the wealthy and male population.

Think of these societies as college Fraternities for the richest, most powerful members of government and high society. Although many of these organizations only can be speculated about, some are highly documented and likely have a large influence over not only our politics but also how our country is run and operated.

Historically, there has always been a mystery in the happenings of the Freemasons. This private, members-only society is one of the most well-known of the elitist groups. It is believed that of our founding fathers, over 1/3 were members of the organization. The order dates back to the Middle ages, although the modern equivalent of the group didn’t form until the 18th century. Much of the Freemason beliefs revolved around a supreme higher being known as the “Grand Architect of the Universe.” And this organization drew in many powerful and influential members such as George Washington and Mozart.

Although Freemason’s still exist in some capacity, their continued influence on society and modern beliefs/practices are relatively secret. Much of what is known of the Freemasons, as well as its members, are all based in speculation.

Maybe the best example of secret societies of the affluent and powerful is the Skull and Bones society. Founded by President Taft’s father at Yale, the Skull and Bone’s society is a secret order that select individuals are invited into. Women were allowed entry into the society as of 1992, but typically the members are men. If you are “tapped,” you are one of 15 lucky elites chosen to enter into the highly secretive and also widely known group. Members of this organization include both President Bush’s, Fortune 500 company elites and even the founder of Time Magazine. Although exactly how much influence this organization has over modern society is unknown, there was an exposé written by a Yale student that claimed that the goal of the organization is to create a new world order run by members of the group.

Whether or not this is accurate is unknown, although it is undeniable that a majority of the members of this group have become very successful members of both the financial field, as well as top-level officials in government. This organization is probably the most popularized in modern literature and media, like many books, movies, and television shows have included secret societies similar to or based on Skull and Bones.

Another still very much alive and secretive society known as the Bohemian Grove may be the most powerful and influential group. Although membership can take anywhere from 30+ years, women are banned from joining the group. With members ranging from many Republican Presidents (both Bush’s and Reagan) to Newt Gingrich and Herbert Hoover, the group consists of government elites, financial and economic power-players, and musicians.

Bohemian Grove is a privately owned sprawling campground in California. The members of the organization own the property, so there is no access to outside individuals. Highly scrutinized Alex Jones is one of the only people to get both video footage and documentation of the happenings at Bohemian Grove. There are many strange traditions and ceremonies during the event, which include the carrying of an effigy known as “the cremation of care,” strange outfits that members must wear, and a large 40-foot owl that is the centerpiece of most of their ceremonies.

Many people protest the event each year but due to the heavy guards and security measures, the event continues. Although many deem the meetup as simply a campground for the rich and elite to get drunk and misbehave, it has been very influential in modern American society.

In fact, the plans for the Manhatten Project began and were continued at the Bohemian Club. Similarly, Richard Nixon gave a speech at the Bohemian Club which ultimately would be the start of his run for president. So regardless of whether the happenings of the Bohemian Club are public domain, it is irrefutable that the society and its members play not only a crucial part in the American government, but also that the conversations and events that occur during the event shape our society.

Overall, the power that secret societies have over our government and country is debatable, but their existence is not. The issue surrounding these agencies is two-fold.

On the one hand, the secrecy and privateness of these organizations and their practices cause concern for people who are already untrusting of government. Many of the conspiracy theories and radical beliefs surrounding these groups likely are due to a lack of transparency and openness by those who are members.

On the other hand, the historic sexism and shady practices that exist within these groups tend to point to the underpinnings of a discriminatory society. As our nation and culture progress more towards equality and financial security for the masses, seeing the top 1% of society still hold so much influence in our decision-making processes undermines the very basis of modernization.

Groups that specifically discriminate against women show that the traditionalist groups still do exist and that those members have great influence over our country. For marginalized or financially insecure populations, seeing this power differential and the way that it still exists in the broad scope of our culture is extremely disheartening and concerning.

Ultimately, we should begin discussing the ethical issues surrounding the secrecy, as well as how they play into the systemic injustice and discrimination that this country experiences.

For too long, there has been secrecy and mystery. If these organizations are truly just meeting grounds for fun and debate, then it is time to be open about it. And truthfully it is time to recognize how the existence of these groups play into our culture and contribute to class hierarchy in the U.S.



Ashley Grant
Be Unique

PsyD Student. Writer. Psychology. Mental Health. Millennial.