My Life is Hard But So is Yours

Resist the temptation to compare your life to someone else’s

Kathy McClelland
Be Unique


Photo by Avi Waxman on Unsplash

“It is taking longer than I expected to set up an appointment,” I complained to the receptionist at the therapy center. This center came highly recommended.

I was expecting it to go easier — for them to verify my insurance quicker, to set up an intake evaluation sooner, to have an available therapist, and then to not deal with the therapist’s unexpected family emergency.

I caught myself thinking, not in a self-pity type of way, but in an entitled way:

Don’t they understand how hard my life is?

As if having a child with disabilities, along with various other pressures, would immediately qualify me for empathy and understanding.

They didn’t know me. How could they possibly know how hard my life is?

I quickly became convicted of my impatience despite my desire for them to be understanding. They deal with kids with special needs and their families. Of course, they know it’s hard.

We want others to understand how hard our lives are

I hear conversations like the one I had in my head among special needs moms often. Women wish their…



Kathy McClelland
Be Unique

Dedicated to sharing hope and encouragement with fellow parents, especially those living with chronic illness or disability.