Negative Pregnant

A true story of a lawyer who was disqualified from the practice of law

Olivia Marlene
Be Unique


Photo by Snapwire from Pexels


According to, it is a denial of an allegation in which a person actually admits more than he/she denies.

It is when circumstances leading to a fact are denied but the fact itself is not denied.

Let me share with you a case decided by the Philippine Supreme Court that illustrates this concept.

The story started with the love letter quoted below which was used as evidence in the case. This letter was given by lawyer Noli to Irene on the day of her wedding to Joselano:

My ever dearest Irene,

By the time you open this, you’ll be moments away from walking down the aisle. I will say a prayer for you that you may find meaning in what you’re about to do.

Sometimes I wonder why we ever met. Is it only for me to find fleeting happiness but experience eternal pain? Is it only for us to find true love but then lose it again? Or is it because there’s a bigger plan for the two of us?

I hope that you have experienced true happiness with me. I have done everything humanly possible to love you. And today, as you make your vows . . . I make my…



Olivia Marlene
Be Unique

A law abiding non-conformist. A lawyer by profession, a mom by nature. Her hobby is to challenge the norm. Reach her at: