Never Underestimate Somebody’s Need for Help

Why turning a blind eye really gets us nowhere

Stacey B
Be Unique


SSomething scary happened too close to home last Friday night. Not as scary as for one of the people involved but scary enough for me to instinctively know — somebody was in trouble.

I heard a fight between a man and woman and it went from general arguing to full-blown shouting. Fast forward twenty minutes and suddenly there were banging sounds after real aggression in the male’s voice, followed by fearful shouting and crying from the female.

While I don’t want to go into full details of the whole night’s events, I find it necessary to share just how important it is to follow your instinct during any kind of tough situation you may find yourself involved in. And yes, you are involved when it’s clear to you that somebody is in distress.

You wouldn’t turn away from a dog attacking another, so why the ignorance against other humans hurting and attacking one another?

Why do I feel this way? Because the female involved, unexpectedly knocked on my door Monday night, with a bunch of flowers — to say thank you for calling the police.

I was definitely not expecting any flowers nor to see her around here again, never mind receive a personal, face-to-face thank you! It…



Stacey B
Be Unique

Natural born healer. Holistic health therapist. Intuitive, empath sharing compassionate, creative stories offering perspective. Proud single mama to one.