Philippines | Zambales Getaway
I always say that
“for once in my life i want to fall in love with no doubts, fall in love with someone with sincerity and pure intentions”
please, give me a chance to feel that kind of love, real love. No hate, no hesitations, no limitations and boundaries, no questions or what ifs” something like that
Days, months, years, i never felt that kind of love to someone.
Until I met them..
With my camera, I was just sitting on the sand under the heat of the sun, staring at them, capturing moments, taking pictures like no one can ever stop me, I was like
seriously? i don’t care, I am really happy
I fell in love with them
Their eyes, how they smile and how they laugh. I fell in love with their simplicity. I fell in love with their genuine happiness and innocence.
I fell in love with the sea and how it waves. I fell in love with the sand. I fell in love with the heat of the sun and how it burns my skin. I fell in love with the lighthouse. On top of that mountain, i lost my words.
Oh God, is this real?
I fell in love with the Aetas. I fell in love with how kuya manong accomodate us. I fell in love with how manang sell their native products. I fell in love with ppl there, singing, drinking and laughing, talking about their lives, with different races and different languages, no judgments, no limits and no boundaries, i just lost my words.
This is the kind of happiness you can never ever explain.
No phones, no wifi, no internet, no signal, no facebook, no twitter and instagram, no toxic ppl from toxic social media.
This is the real goal.
I just felt it exactly right here, from the bottom of my heart to the deepest part of my soul, I felt a genuine happiness.
Giving me tons of thoughts..
You don’t need someone to feel this kind of thing, this kind of feeling, no right person, no right time or right moment, at any time of your life, you can actually feel it, to every single thing, to every single moment, with anyone, even with someone you never met before.
Instagram: @mclaureles
Thanks for reading…