Please Stop Trying to Make My Child Normal

Kathy McClelland
Be Unique
Published in
4 min readOct 22, 2019


We invited a family over for dinner. (See: Sometimes it’s easier to be the one inviting than invited.) It was meant to be a time to gather around the table and catch up. In fact, we used to see this family regularly, but it had been awhile. Since then, we had a child born with a severe disability. They weren’t entirely used to being around Nathan and they didn’t know everything we had been through in the last several years of his life.

It was uncomfortable

It was uncomfortable because they were uncomfortable with our child and I couldn’t make it better for them. We had six years to process and grow to accept our child’s fragile body and delayed mind, while they were trying to come to grips with it throughout dinner. And by coming to grips, I mean just knowing how to interact with us and our child.

The husband repeatedly kept trying to compare our son to his son…when he was a toddler.

Our son is tube fed because he can not eat very much food by mouth without…



Kathy McClelland
Be Unique

Dedicated to sharing hope and encouragement with fellow parents, especially those living with chronic illness or disability.