Put Your Oxygen Mask on First, Before Assisting Others.

Love Yourself First

Kei Hysi
Be Unique


Photo by Calle Macarone on Unsplash

Throughout our life we have learned so much, we have learned how to build skyscrapers, we have learned how to build bridges that go from one country to another, and rockets that go to planet Mars, but never did we learn a basic thing, how to love ourselves.

What we did learn was the opposite. We learned that we are not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, not skinny enough, just not enough. And that’s not our fault. “Not enough” sells. It is a huge business out there called “How I make money by you not feeling like enough”.

I am not trying to tell you not to look beautiful, lose weight, or get smarter. Do it, but do it for the right reasons. If you want to look beautiful, then do it because you respect yourself. Your clothes and the way you take care of yourself are the way you present yourself to the world.

If you want to get skinny then do it because losing extra weight is actually good for your health. Go to the gym, exercise, and get healthy, not because you hate your body at this moment, but because you love it so much that you want the best for it. Study and expand your knowledge not because you are not smart, but because by getting smarter you can become successful.



Kei Hysi
Be Unique

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