Read This When You’re Ready to Get Serious About Money and Saving

The simplest way to track expenses, spending, and fun money

Sophie Radvan
Be Unique


Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

WWith all the journals, calendars, and planners out there, we really have no excuse for poor organization. All it takes is a little willpower to write things down, which has always been my favorite and most effective organization tip. WRITE. IT. DOWN.

I like to keep all my note-taking practices in one place: the Notes app on my iPhone. Most ideas and reminders come while scrolling on my phone, so it feels the most natural to open the Notes app to jot things down.

I write first drafts of work emails in the app; grocery lists; to-do lists. I even keep a list of island ideas for Animal Crossing. The same goes for tattoo and home decor inspiration, as well as movies and podcasts, to check out.

The notes never stop, which brings me to finances. You bet your ass I have a note called “Money Management” on my phone, which I then divided into four categories from top to bottom:

  • Treat Yourself/Fun Money
  • Monthly Expenses
  • 2020/2021 Taxes
  • Spending Habits

‘Treat Yourself’ explained

