Searching you

Poetry about a girl who is searching for her love

Be Unique
1 min readOct 6, 2020


I came searching for you
in the sky
but you got disappeared
between the stars.

I came searching for you
in the ocean
and you got disappeared
between the fish.

I blossomed every day
searching for you,
returning those night
with my petals dried off.

After I woke up
I searched for you in the sky,
but you hide covering clouds.
I came searching for you in the garden
you got disappeared between the flowers.
Don’t make me, keep searching you,
I got tired off, but I love you.

I closed my eyes and stop, searching you
thinking, you will open my eyes
and end this game.
But you are still hiding somewhere.

The sky turned dark, and my tears
started to flow thinking, I will lose you.
But a bright light aroused in the sky
I searched for you and was the moon.

I searched again, and you
were hiding behind the moon
finally I found you, my love
searching for you.

