Skip The Gym And Feel Better

“Rest, there’s always another time for training.”

hustlelead How S.
Be Unique


“There’s always another time for training.”

That’s what my high school track and field coach would tell us when another one of our team bit the dust.

More specifically, the injured athlete would either have torn his hamstring during an interval or developed a severe case of shin spleen akin to microfractures on the sensitive shin bone due to overtraining.

Overtraining. That word seems to be the least of concerns to anyone who is not an athlete, let alone an average sedentary desk-bound office worker.

But lately, I have been having trouble recovering from gym sessions although I could barely fit in three gym sessions per week. My workout sessions include a rather basic set of compound movements such as shoulder press, deadlift, and squats. Yet, for some reason, I found myself experiencing sleepless nights, waking up extremely sore, and began to generally dislike the gym.

That is until I decided to skip a gym session. I reduced my workouts from three per week to two on weekends as I saw fit. So far it has worked miracles to my mental health and energy.

Fetishism of exercise



hustlelead How S.
Be Unique

aspiring writer striving to love the process | Cybersecurity analyst | Physics tutor | Owns bitcoin TW&IG&LI:@hustlelead E:hustle.lead@gmail[.]com